Wednesday, July 2, 2008

“I practiced 4 times!”

Tuesday, July 1: We landed in Paris today! We were met by the ultra-chic Charles de Gaulle Airport, and were driven to the Timhotel. After a brief orientation, we were on our own for the afternoon. So we could fully experience the French Culture, a couple of us decided to get sandwiches from a local corner store. It took me forever to try to read/translate the options! Once I finally decided what I wanted, I practiced ordering at least 4 times! I was so nervous! I haven’t had any French courses in about 2 years, so I’ve lost a lot of the language. I’m hoping by the end of the trip I’ll get a lot of it back. But it all worked out in the end because I received what I ordered! By dinner, I was a little better and I could read more of the menu. I conquered the Métro, so now all that’s left is how to ask for directions and understand the response!
- Brittany McCall

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